Aug 5Liked by Océane Meftah

UNLOAD !!!! As in - unload the “should” and “to do’s”, unload the need to be perfect, unload the physical and mental clutter in my life and just ENJOY summer!!

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What a great word! So visual too - I wish you an unloaded summer Lin ☺️

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Aug 5Liked by Océane Meftah

I think my word for the Summer has been “embrace”! Embrace the chaos of life with two children under 4… embrace the weather even if it’s raining one minute and sunny the next!

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What a beautiful word Elizabeth. You also embrace loved ones so it’s a lovely warm summer word 😊

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Ooh, this is a great idea - hmm - time for a ponder I think

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Happy word pondering Louise… I’d love to know what you settle on ☺️

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I've settled on FLOW for my summer word after a bit of thinking. Going with the flow and also finding my new flow - less social media and more Substack over the summer

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Flow is a beautiful word Louise. It also evokes calm and leaves room for change so you have more flexibility over the summer. I hope this word serves you well x

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Jul 22Liked by Océane Meftah

Oo love this prompt ... will get my thinking hat on. I'm taking a summer sabbatical this year and I love the idea of having a word to keep me on track

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Hi Lee, a summer sabbatical sounds perfect. I wonder how that would impact your choice of word..

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Jul 23Liked by Océane Meftah

I think it’s giving a completely different vibe, say compared to when I’m in work development mode. My struggle is settling on just one word 😂

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It doesn’t have to be a word. I can be a phrase or a quote if you prefer ☺️

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